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The Cyber School has been started with a great vision to safeguard the youngsters from the current threats in cyberspace. The multi-dimensional structure of technology in cyberspace poses a significant challenge in handling the complex problems in the cyber domain.


The Cyber School program is one of the initiative by World Cyber Safety Organization, an non-profit organization. The Cyber School has been started with a great vision to safeguard the youngsters from the current threats in cyberspace. The Cyber School program conceived with the goal of improving techno literacy and cyber education among less-privileged children around the world.  We encourage and help children to undertake learning technology in groups. The multi-dimensional structure of technology in cyberspace poses a significant challenge in handling the complex problems in the cyber domain.  


Our world faces substantial cyber threats, and many youngsters are affected by cyber-attacks and information thefts. The Cyber School Organization has taken a visionary initiative to provide awareness against the notoriously spreading cyber threats from various directions and dimensions.

​Cyber attacks were projected to increase by 200% year on year. According to the Computer Emergency Response Team data, India witnessed a three-fold increase in cybersecurity-related incidents in 2021 compared to 2020, recording 1.16 million. Cyber security is one of the topmost priorities. The Cyber School will try to provide cyber security awareness for all the youngsters across the country with the help of professionals from Industry, Universities, and Government entities like defence, police, etc.

We provide cyber hygiene practices for individuals and students to maintain the health and security of devices, personal data, and other data. Our goal is to spread cyber awareness to people worldwide to help make sure that every individual is cyber protected.


We thank all our partners for helping us achieve our goal of proving cyber security awareness worldwide. If you wish to support our initiative, please do not hesitate to contact us.

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